Friday, July 06, 2007

its going

Saleh arrived yesterday morning. Michelle and I went to pick him up at the airport via taxi, and there were so many people it took him almost 2 hours to exit customs. We're all super excited that all five of us are together now.

As far as research goes, I'm still working on parts of the MatLab code, which is getting a little frustrating. Running the model through each time takes quite awhile, so there's a bit of time to look up how to fix things, and etc. The most important parts are there, so hopefully that's all well and good. Quite looking forward to when I can start running the model against Nimrod and figuring things out.

Hope the weekend brings nice weather. It's so deceiving here. Take today for example - in the morning when we left the hotel, it was getting sunny with no wind, so pretty nice. During lunch, all of a sudden it started pouring! Craziness, but that makes it all the more exciting. (:

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