Wednesday, July 04, 2007

getting started

Today we attended our first group meeting at the lab. Despite not quite understanding most of it, it was still quite interesting to hear what everyone else is working on. These past few days we have been trying to get the Nimrod portal set-up, and there has been quite a bit of confusion regarding the accounts and certificates, and etc - most of it quite over my head. Nonetheless, we have resources to start working on Nimrod, and things should be going pretty smoothly from here on out. Earlier today, we got Monash student ID cards!! Pretty exciting, since hopefully we can now get concession (student) discounts at various places, and plus, it's pretty cool having an ID card for a school in another country.

On another note, we've received word that Saleh will be joining us late Thursday night, which will be quite the exciting. (:

Last night, after making scrumptious dinner of $1 bagged pasta (yum, since we're trying to save money), we headed into the city to watch a 3D IMAX movie called Haunt Castle at the Melbourne Museum. It actually wasn't as scary as I thought it would be, although we got quite startled by some [night animals] we encountered on the way.

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