Friday, August 24, 2007

see you later

In Aussie tradition, it is the norm to say "see you later" instead of "goodbye." So here goes one last post before I leave. Today is the last official day of PRIME, and it feels a bit strange. Over the past nine weeks, Melbourne has become our home and the experience has changed from being a vacation destination to somewhere we feel we belong. Anyway, here are some last words and memories.

Monday night we celebrated Andres' 30th birthday with dinner at Soda Rock - a 50's diner just down the street.
Then afterwards, we headed back to the Claremont and baked a cake.
I must say, it looks a lOT better than the first one we made, the night we met John and Andres.
The Germans made us little party hats out of styrofoam cups! They were so cute. (:
Tuesday night we decided to get everyone that we had met at the Claremont back together. There's John and Andres (the Colombians), Xiaomin (from China), Moritz (from Germany), Anil (from India), and Lena, Michaela, and Matthias (The Germans). [and Katie from Wales who we've met just recently, but couldn't join us]
It's turned out to be way more of a multicultural experience than I had expected - but good times. (: Here's Anil's own rendition of us. Can you guess who's who?
Here's us hanging out at the Claremont, in the dining area.
Then the girls progressed onto newspaper hats - we're trying to be pirates, but ultimately just ended up looking a bit retarded.
Look, there's a cryptic crossword on mine!
And the boys, were boys.
Thursday was our last normal lunch with the lab - we finished an entire crossword by ourselves! I don't know what I'll do over lunch once I get home, just kidding! I'm not too good at them. But anyway, this is where we eat everyday.
And then we always go for coffee afterwards.(I tried to get a picture with them)
One of the grad students, Philip, got back from his conference in China today (just to see us off - jk!). We went out for lunch with the lab today followed by David's seminar, an office party and now there's a farewell dinner to follow.

I am already feeling a bit nostalgic about leaving, and one thing I know I will miss for sURE are the breakfasts at the Claremont with Anna. She's so cute, and she knows all of our morning rituals - who wakes up early, if we're late, etc. All of the Claremont staff as well, who are all so friendly and oh so forgiving.
PRIME has been an awesome experience and I feel that I have learned and grown so much. Special thanks to Peter, Teri, Gabrielle, Linda (and NSF and Cal-IT2). This has been one absolutely amazing opportunity and I will definitely never forget it.

We shall be saying many more goodbyes this weekend since we depart for New Zealand and Sydney for a total of two weeks on Monday. I am very sad about leaving (a few tears already), but there are many more adventures to come. So until then, see you later.

Cheers, mates!
- Stephany

1 comment:

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