Wednesday, June 27, 2007

in the cubicle

this is what we do in our spare time, for now. [working hard]

things have been somewhat slow in terms of work these past few days, but i'm sure they'll pick up soon. we've been introduced to nimrod, and will get a further introduction today, but for now, just hanging out and figuring out how to work the network still. i had some issues with the bank, but after getting a calling card, got that all cleared up.

last night we hopped on the train and explored parts of downtown melbourne in the rain and wind. basically, we walked down bourke st. other streets randomly. there are many many different parts of town - greek precinct, italian, and of course, the chinatown. it seems really similar to sf, although without the steep hills (but there are some hills). after walking around for quite some time, we had dinner at a portuguese place called nando's. it was pretty good, and definitely not something i had tried before. it's weird - many of the places we walked by were empty, perhaps because there are soo many places to choose from! [at dinner]

anyway, the train is pretty easy, and it'll be our main form of transportation, i'm sure, for the next couple of months. all the aussies are extremely nice, even the strangers! (: pretty exciting, although i can't seem to tell the difference between an aussies accent a british accent, yet. ooh and there was this little boy on the train that looked sooo much like harry potter, haha, uniform and all. i think we may go watch it.

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